A Study on Shifts of Level in Facts are Facts (an English Translation) of the Pashtu Text Rekhtya Rekhtya Di


  • Tariq Khan Department of English, University of Malakand


This study explores shifts of level in “Facts are Facts” (an English translation) of the Pashtu text “Rekhtya Rekhtya Di” by Khan Abdul Wali Khan. In the current position paper, “Rekhtya Rekhtya Di” is the source text, whereas “Facts are Facts” is the target text for textual analysis. Select excerpts of the said book are extracted for translation purposes. It adopts the qualitative research paradigm and textual analysis to substantiate the argument in hand. For that to happen, it employs a model of translation shift by John Cunnison Catford (1965) for validating the argument in the given context. It demonstrates that there are shifts of level in the source text's English translation that the researchers highlight.

Keywords: Facts, Rekhtya, Shifts of level,Translation


